
Nguyen Thi Nghia (1909-1931)

Nguyen Thi Nghia, with the real name of Nguyen Thi Hen, was born in 1909 in An Thi district in a poor farming family.

At the age of 20 she was awake to the revolutionary ideas and joined the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth Association. She applied for a job in Hai Phong bowl factory and then Nam Giem brick factory in Hanoi. Living and working with workers in the factories, she actively propagated the revolution, exchanged the suffering of women living under feudal colonialism and led workers to fight with employers to increase wages, reduce working hours, against beatings and dismissal of workers, provoke patriotism and sense of national liberation. Spiers knew her as a revolutionary activist and told the boss to fire her.

In 1930, she was admitted to the Indochinese Communist Party and sent to work in factories in Vinh - Ben Thuy to propagandize and mobilized workers. Here, she guided the directions and policies of the Party, mobilized workers to support the struggle movement of farmers in districts of Nam Dan, Do Luong and distributed leaflets supporting the Xo Viet Nghe Tinh movement in factories.

In 1931, she was assigned as a contact person between the Central Committee and the local. Extremely dangerous work requires bravery and courage. To cover the enemy's eyes, she acted as a concubine of Le Doan Suu, a worker in Ben Thuy.

On a duty, she was arrested by the enemy. They took her across the factories in Vinh - Ben Thuy, hoping to discover our revolutionary base, but without results, they immediately took her to Vinh's prison. Chief of secret agent, Bie used every trick to force her to testify. She told herself, even though she had to die, she must protect the Party, the secret work and the Party leaders.

On May 17, 1931, she sacrificed at Vinh's prison.

At present, in the exhibition of the 1930-1931 struggle movements and the Xo Viet Nghe Tinh movement of the Vietnam Revolutionary Museum, her photo was hung in the most solemn place.

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