30/07/2016 | View: 16 in: National accounts and state budget in the province Total number of products in the province Total product structure 26 Gross domestic product at current prices by economic sector Total Of which Agriculture, forestry and fishing Industry and construction Dịch vụ Service Total Of which: Industry Mill. dongs 2007 12.055.755 3.128.426 5.185.334 4.490.688 3.741.995 2008 15.646.118 4.241.211 6.693.276 3.988.856 4.711.631 2009 18.043.128 4.718.009 7.872.667 6.737.981 5.452.452 2010 25.675.279 4.582.554 12.355.642 10.975.007 8.737.083 2011 30.562.180 6.299.044 14.211.169 12.674.704 10.051.967 2012 35.041.413 6.339.836 17.033.081 15.109.232 11.668.496 2013 37.225.679 6.002.651 17.592.339 15.630.143 13.630.689 2014 42.011.192 6.153.406 20.208.989 17.936.108 15.648.797 Prel.2015 47.053.912 6.373.226 23.047.942 20.372.491 17.632.744 Structure (%) 2007 100,00 25,95 43,01 37,25 31,04 2008 100,00 27,11 42,78 25,49 30,11 2009 100,00 26,15 43,63 37,34 30,22 2010 100,00 17,85 48,12 42,75 34,03 2011 100,00 20,61 46,50 41,47 32,89 2012 100,00 18,09 48,61 43,12 33,30 2013 100,00 16,13 47,26 41,99 36,61 2014 100,00 14,65 48,10 42,69 37,25 Prel.2015 100,00 13,54 48,98 43,30 37,48 27 Gross domestic product at constant 2010 prices by economic sector Total Of which Agriculture, forestry and fishing Industry and construction Service Total Of which: Industry Mill. dongs 2010 25.675.279 4.582.554 12.355.642 10.975.007 8.737.083 2011 28.086.290 4.850.808 14.174.468 12.662.184 9.061.014 2012 30.300.118 4.942.396 15.630.569 13.899.380 9.727.153 2013 32.377.375 4.798.101 16.660.729 14.903.974 10.918.545 2014 34.741.584 4.849.113 17.958.831 16.053.174 11.933.640 Prel.2015 37.465.176 4.946.531 19.496.085 17.346.326 13.022.560 Index (Previous year = 100) - % 2011 109,39 105,85 114,72 115,37 103,71 2012 107,88 101,89 110,27 109,77 107,35 2013 106,86 97,08 106,59 107,23 112,25 2014 107,30 101,06 107,79 107,71 109,30 Prel.2015 107,84 102,01 108,56 108,06 109,12 28 Gross domestic product at current prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity Unit: Mill. dongs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL 30.562.180 35.041.413 37.225.679 42.011.192 47.053.912 By types of ownership State 3.530.515 4.161.335 4.768.037 5.877.061 6.413.103 Non-State 21.639.273 24.550.578 24.161.519 25.835.091 28.986.686 Collective 170.935 169.094 181.134 145.670 169.394 Private 8.564.381 9.772.650 9.627.995 11.122.252 12.534.958 Household 12.903.957 14.608.834 14.352.390 14.567.169 16.282.334 Foreign investment sector 3.205.070 3.952.096 4.860.166 6.269.998 6.964.774 Product tax 2.187.322 2.377.404 3.435.957 4.029.042 4.689.349 By kinds of economic activity Agriculture, forestry and fishing 6.299.044 6.339.836 6.002.651 6.153.406 6.373.226 Mining and quarrying 25.217 26.645 23.441 24.105 23.613 Manufacturing 11.910.664 14.213.214 14.617.474 16.763.043 18.991.665 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 241.042 328.575 381.214 465.256 559.044 Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 497.780 540.797 608.014 683.703 798.169 Construction 1.536.465 1.923.850 1.962.196 2.272.881 2.675.451 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2.078.869 2.390.676 2.620.797 2.877.135 3.230.482 28 (Cont.) Gross domestic product at current prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity Unit: Mill. dongs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 Transportation and storage 659.468 841.636 965.544 1.104.284 1.300.242 Accommodation and food service activities 216.288 235.676 264.223 325.176 336.465 Information and communication 475.111 520.173 493.629 575.095 635.078 Financial, banking and insurance activities 763.194 827.670 837.211 890.005 987.905 Real estate activities 1.133.413 1.351.628 1.366.683 1.621.948 1.813.069 Professional, scientific and technical activities 94.416 111.302 307.039 402.036 430.178 Administrative and support service activities 125.037 128.288 147.471 191.773 207.115 Activities of Communist Party, socio-political organizations; public administration and defence; compulsory security 1.034.547 1.276.868 1.400.220 1.575.243 1.707.202 Education and training 775.726 989.515 1.103.656 1.272.153 1.403.196 Human health and social work activities 266.145 337.555 381.620 438.870 500.775 Arts, entertainment and recreation 56.248 74.109 70.486 83.334 93.334 Other service activities 186.183 205.993 236.153 262.704 298.353 Product tax 2.187.322 2.377.404 3.435.957 4.029.042 4.689.349 29 Structure of gross domestic product at current prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity Unit: % 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 By types of ownership State 11,55 11,88 12,80 13,99 13,63 Non-State 70,80 70,06 64,91 61,50 61,60 Collective 0,56 0,48 0,49 0,35 0,36 Private 28,02 27,89 25,86 26,47 26,64 Household 42,22 41,69 38,56 34,67 34,60 Foreign investment sector 10,49 11,28 13,06 14,92 14,80 Product tax 7,16 6,78 9,23 9,59 9,97 By kinds of economic activity Agriculture, forestry and fishing 20,61 18,09 16,13 14,65 13,54 Mining and quarrying 0,08 0,08 0,06 0,06 0,05 Manufacturing 38,97 40,56 39,27 39,90 40,36 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 0,79 0,94 1,02 1,11 1,19 Water supply, sewerage, waste managementand remediation activities 1,63 1,54 1,63 1,63 1,70 Construction 5,03 5,49 5,27 5,41 5,69 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 6,80 6,82 7,04 6,85 6,87 29 (Cont.) Structure of gross domestic product at current prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity Unit: % 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 Transportation and storage 2,16 2,40 2,59 2,63 2,76 Accommodation and food service activities 0,71 0,67 0,71 0,77 0,72 Information and communication 1,55 1,48 1,33 1,37 1,35 Financial, banking and insurance activities 2,50 2,36 2,25 2,12 2,10 Real estate activities 3,71 3,86 3,67 3,86 3,85 Professional, scientific and technical activities 0,31 0,32 0,82 0,96 0,91 Administrative and support service activities 0,41 0,37 0,40 0,46 0,44 Activities of Communist Party, socio-political organizations; public administration and defence; compulsory security 3,39 3,64 3,76 3,75 3,63 Education and training 2,54 2,82 2,96 3,03 2,98 Human health and social work activities 0,87 0,96 1,03 1,04 1,06 Arts, entertainment and recreation 0,18 0,21 0,19 0,20 0,20 Other service activities 0,61 0,59 0,63 0,63 0,63 Product tax 7,16 6,78 9,23 9,59 9,97 30 Gross domestic product at constant 2010 prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity Unit: Mill. dongs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL 28.086.290 30.300.118 32.377.375 34.741.584 37.465.176 By types of ownership State 4.098.196 4.265.651 4.510.927 4.663.929 5.106.229 Non-State 18.214.274 19.314.178 19.834.459 21.208.880 22.579.724 Collective 138.466 130.098 162.532 119.919 134.874 Private 8.113.673 8.537.558 8.728.828 9.742.478 10.480.561 Household 9.962.135 10.646.522 10.943.099 11.346.483 11.964.289 Foreign investment sector 3.891.995 4.738.234 5.303.010 5.727.479 6.216.754 Product tax 1.881.825 1.982.055 2.728.979 3.141.296 3.562.469 By kinds of economic activity Agriculture, forestry and fishing 4.850.808 4.942.396 4.798.101 4.849.113 4.946.531 Mining and quarrying 21.659 21.265 17.991 17.901 17.492 Manufacturing 11.903.928 13.098.007 13.971.911 15.200.578 16.466.591 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 240.981 280.594 329.649 331.109 357.600 Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 495.616 499.515 584.423 503.587 504.643 Construction 1.512.284 1.731.189 1.756.755 1.905.657 2.149.759 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 1.837.445 1.889.274 1.967.376 2.045.039 2.175.351 30 (Cont.) Gross domestic product at constant 2010 prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity Unit: Mill. dongs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 Transportation and storage 602.983 694.383 734.415 782.495 901.261 Accommodation and food service activities 182.798 186.579 195.393 226.837 244.089 Information and communication 468.369 513.783 626.371 554.598 598.318 Financial, banking and insurance activities 746.733 771.170 796.001 850.680 907.701 Real estate activities 1.055.257 1.137.032 1.163.966 1.297.755 1.395.924 Professional, scientific and technical activities 86.368 96.022 113.073 292.546 344.523 Administrative and support service activities 113.085 113.692 123.401 153.805 162.997 Activities of Communist Party, socio-political organizations; public administration and defence; compulsory security 901.051 983.114 1.032.775 1.087.430 1.157.746 Education and training 737.087 858.581 914.846 960.770 986.167 Human health and social work activities 222.765 261.567 280.908 280.098 307.629 Arts, entertainment and recreation 52.331 65.430 60.066 69.714 74.138 Other service activities 172.917 174.472 180.974 190.575 204.247 Product tax 1.881.825 1.982.055 2.728.979 3.141.296 3.562.469 31 Index of gross domestic product at constant 2010 prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity (Previous year = 100) Unit: % 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL 109,39 107,88 106,86 107,30 107,84 By types of ownership State 98,70 104,09 105,75 103,39 109,48 Non-State 110,40 106,04 102,69 106,93 106,46 Collective 112,55 93,96 124,93 73,78 112,47 Private 110,38 105,22 102,24 111,61 107,58 Household 110,38 106,87 102,79 103,69 105,44 Foreign investment sector 130,52 121,74 111,92 108,00 108,54 Product tax 92,14 105,33 137,68 115,11 113,41 By kinds of economic activity Agriculture, forestry and fishing 105,85 101,89 97,08 101,06 102,01 Mining and quarrying 101,03 98,18 84,61 99,50 97,71 Manufacturing 115,13 110,03 106,67 108,79 108,33 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 115,63 116,44 117,48 100,44 108,00 Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 122,20 100,79 117,00 86,17 100,21 Construction 109,54 114,48 101,48 108,48 112,81 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 101,64 102,82 104,13 103,95 106,37 31 (Cont.) Index of gross domestic product at constant 2010 prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity (Previous year = 100) Unit: % 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 Transportation and storage 109,58 115,16 105,77 106,55 115,18 Accommodation and food service activities 100,51 102,07 104,72 116,09 107,61 Information and communication 107,06 109,70 121,91 88,54 107,88 Financial, banking and insurance activities 103,07 103,27 103,22 106,87 106,70 Real estate activities 109,48 107,75 102,37 111,49 107,56 Professional, scientific and technical activities 148,00 111,18 117,76 258,72 117,77 Administrative and support service activities 167,01 100,54 108,54 124,64 105,98 Activities of Communist Party, socio-political organizations; public administration and defence; compulsory security 105,30 109,11 105,05 105,29 106,47 Education and training 106,80 116,48 106,55 105,02 102,64 Human health and social work activities 107,70 117,42 107,39 99,71 109,83 Arts, entertainment and recreation 119,92 125,03 91,80 116,06 106,35 Other service activities 162,18 100,90 103,73 105,31 107,17 Product tax 92,14 105,33 137,68 115,11 113,41 32 State budget revenue in local area Total Of which Domestic revenue Export and import duties Mill. dongs 1997 103.512 91.019 12.493 2001 358.870 293.656 65.214 2006 1.449.120 725.790 723.330 2007 1.416.690 882.797 533.893 2008 1.927.524 1.314.137 613.387 2009 2.399.576 1.785.560 614.016 2010 3.357.175 2.482.455 874.720 2011 4.218.494 3.287.460 931.034 2012 4.612.320 3.694.092 918.228 2013 6.067.947 4.294.200 1.773.747 2014 7.241.383 5.027.370 2.214.013 Prel. 2015 7.863.915 5.345.397 2.518.518 Index (Previous year = 100) - % 1998 157,17 118,16 441,37 2001 123,00 112,39 213,94 2006 123,49 127,86 119,39 2007 97,76 121,63 73,81 2008 136,06 148,86 114,89 2009 124,49 135,87 100,10 2010 139,91 139,03 142,46 2011 125,66 132,43 106,44 2012 109,34 112,37 98,62 2013 131,56 116,25 193,17 2014 119,34 117,07 124,82 Prel. 2015 108,60 106,33 113,75 33 State budget revenue in local area by revenue source Unit: Mill. dongs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL REVENUE 4.218.494 4.612.320 6.067.947 7.241.383 7.863.915 Domestic revenue 3.287.460 3.694.092 4.294.200 5.027.370 5.345.397 Revenue from state owned enterprises 181.919 190.370 233.080 191.329 214.229 Revenue from non-state sector 1.286.839 1.385.027 1.612.953 1.866.152 2.186.738 Revenue from foreign invested enterprises 489.215 943.588 869.316 1.354.046 1.222.583 Agricultural land use tax Revenue from lottery 8.731 8.647 9.297 8.386 8.326 Charge, fee 22.411 28.853 34.440 48.645 59.573 Registration fee 99.649 91.040 105.110 128.337 186.731 Revenue from land and houses 787.876 457.629 853.610 823.464 780.114 Revenue from land use fee 716.164 374.454 744.193 704.796 593.147 Transfer of land use right Land and housing tax 17.667 24.866 26.577 25.840 29.450 Land rent 54.045 58.308 82.839 92.828 157.517 Personal income tax 216.227 324.698 382.362 414.039 443.623 Other revenue 194.592 264.238 194.033 192.972 243.480 Revenue from export and import taxes 931.034 918.228 1.773.747 2.214.013 2.518.518 34 Structure of state budget revenue in local area by revenue source Unit: % 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL REVENUE 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 Domestic revenue 77,93 80,09 70,77 69,43 67,97 Revenue from state owned enterprises 4,31 4,13 3,84 2,64 2,72 Revenue from non-state sector 30,50 30,03 26,58 25,77 27,81 Revenue from foreign invested enterprises 11,60 20,46 14,33 18,70 15,55 Agricultural land use tax Revenue from lottery 0,21 0,19 0,15 0,12 0,11 Charge, fee 0,53 0,63 0,57 0,67 0,76 Registration fee 2,36 1,97 1,73 1,77 2,37 Revenue from land and houses 18,68 9,92 14,07 11,37 9,92 Revenue from land use fee 16,98 8,12 12,26 9,73 7,54 Transfer of land use right Land and housing tax 0,42 0,54 0,44 0,36 0,37 Land rent 1,28 1,26 1,37 1,28 2,00 Personal income tax 5,13 7,04 6,30 5,72 5,64 Other revenue 4,61 5,73 3,20 2,66 3,10 Revenue from export and import taxes 22,07 19,91 29,23 30,57 32,03 35 Local budget expenditure Total Of which Expenditure on development investment Frequent expenditure Mill. dongs 1997 231.800 60.529 171.271 2001 547.009 176.744 370.265 2006 1.251.208 390.871 860.337 2007 1.360.178 417.206 942.972 2008 1.782.754 504.487 1.278.267 2009 2.301.977 750.735 1.551.242 2010 2.996.375 918.976 2.077.399 2011 3.853.540 1.210.941 2.642.599 2012 5.095.975 1.754.319 3.341.656 2013 5.444.459 1.599.767 3.844.692 2014 5.783.697 1.499.730 4.283.967 Prel. 2015 6.628.617 1.730.680 4.897.937 Index (Previous year = 100) - % 1998 121,25 128,76 118,59 2001 126,77 115,74 132,82 2006 111,88 94,90 121,78 2007 108,71 106,74 109,60 2008 131,07 120,92 135,56 2009 129,12 148,81 121,36 2010 130,17 122,41 133,92 2011 128,61 131,77 127,21 2012 132,24 144,87 126,45 2013 106,84 91,19 115,05 2014 106,23 93,75 111,43 Prel. 2015 114,61 115,40 114,33 36 Local budget expenditure by expenditure items Unit: Mill. dongs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.853.540 5.095.975 5.444.459 5.783.697 6.628.617 Expenditure on development investment 1.210.941 1.754.319 1.599.767 1.499.730 1.730.680 Frequent expenditure 2.642.599 3.341.656 3.844.692 4.283.967 4.897.937 Spending on administrative management 646.952 833.763 909.408 1.058.981 1.233.169 Spending on economic activities 301.858 358.233 421.306 431.070 510.861 Expenditure on social services 1.396.399 1.903.994 2.155.204 2.471.975 2.846.796 Expenditure on education and training 844.772 1.155.097 1.245.864 1.487.325 1.726.258 Expenditure on health care 234.152 343.346 400.298 452.110 519.850 Expenditure on culture and sport 38.046 46.037 77.433 61.723 73.034 Expenditure on social relief 211.533 265.625 305.636 367.806 400.257 Expenditure on other social services 67.895 93.889 125.973 103.011 127.397 Other frequent expenditure 297.391 245.666 358.773 321.941 307.111 37 Structure of local budget expenditure by expenditure items Unit: % 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prel. 2015 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 Expenditure on development investment 31,42 34,43 29,38 25,93 26,11 Frequent expenditure 68,58 65,57 70,62 74,07 73,89 Spending on administrative management 16,79 16,36 16,70 18,31 18,60 Spending on economic activities 7,83 7,03 7,74 7,45 7,71 Expenditure on social services 36,24 37,36 39,59 42,74 42,95 Expenditure on education and training 21,92 22,67 22,88 25,72 26,04 Expenditure on health care 6,08 6,74 7,35 7,82 7,84 Expenditure on culture and sport 0,99 0,90 1,42 1,07 1,10 Expenditure on social relief 5,49 5,21 5,61 6,36 6,04 Expenditure on other social services 1,76 1,84 2,31 1,78 1,92 Other frequent expenditure 7,72 4,82 6,59 5,57 4,63 38 The source of capital from the credit organization 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Mill. dongs TOTAL 24.141.041 27.908.276 31.491.744 36.228.367 42.745.745 Source of self mobilization capital 13.091.560 18.986.532 23.775.443 27.769.662 34.444.185 Savings bank 8.620.221 12.341.587 15.665.907 22.968.176 28.117.311 Saving bank of economic organizations 4.265.567 5.749.439 7.475.068 4.765.729 5.743.562 Money from bills, bond… 205.772 895.506 634.468 35.757 583.312 Funding capital source, mandatary 248.435 397.484 253.337 231.856 182.746 Source of superior capital borrowed, other 7.282.051 4.547.438 4.558.139 5.157.695 5.148.246 Others 3.518.995 3.976.822 2.904.825 3.069.154 2.970.568 Index (Previous year = 100) - % TOTAL 127,24 115,61 112,84 115,04 117,99 Source of self mobilization capital 123,81 145,03 125,22 116,80 124,04 Savings bank 124,84 143,17 126,94 146,61 122,42 Saving bank of economic organizations 135,48 134,79 130,01 63,75 120,52 Money from bills, bond… 39,58 435,19 70,85 5,64 1.631,32 Funding capital source, mandatary 108,36 160,00 63,74 91,52 78,82 Source of superior capital borrowed, other 119,62 62,45 100,24 113,15 99,82 Others 168,95 113,01 73,04 105,66 96,79 39 Revenue, expenditure of cash through bank funds Unit: Mill. dongs Total revenue Total expenditure Overrevenue (over expenditure) 1997 1.041.529 1.198.032 -156.503 2001 1.806.261 2.224.400 -418.139 2006 19.473.987 18.469.222 1.004.765 2007 20.453.000 19.435.000 1.018.000 2008 31.281.000 29.094.000 2.187.000 2009 41.134.000 37.047.000 4.087.000 2010 58.519.000 52.939.000 5.580.000 2011 106.510.000 98.957.000 7.553.000 2012 98.200.000 92.000.000 6.200.000 2013 119.500.000 113.500.000 6.000.000 2014 121.000.000 114.600.000 6.400.000 2015 140.000.000 137.400.000 2.600.000 40 Liabilities of credit (As of annual 31/12) Unit: Mill. dongs 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TOTAL 20.389.916 23.232.131 26.863.911 32.972.015 36.350.707 By types of ownership State 333.005 63.457 46.015 56.052 61.796 Non-State 19.840.430 22.922.017 26.528.826 32.563.162 35.899.958 Foreign investment sector 216.481 246.657 289.070 352.801 388.953 By deadline Liabilities of mid and long term credits 5.516.922 6.505.801 7.086.953 9.146.708 11.228.057 Liabilities of short term credits 14.872.994 16.726.330 19.776.958 23.825.307 25.122.650 By kinds of economic activity Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2.856.633 9.565.563 11.492.412 12.921.743 15.480.726 Agriculture, forestry 2.807.018 9.509.032 11.424.492 12.844.213 15.387.842 Fishing 49.615 56.531 67.920 77.530 92.884 Industry and construction 8.463.963 6.243.847 5.641.421 6.924.123 7.633.648 Industry 7.392.057 5.022.525 4.537.936 5.539.298 6.106.918 Construction 1.071.906 1.221.322 1.103.485 1.384.825 1.526.730 Service 9.069.320 7.422.720 9.730.078 13.126.149 13.236.333 Commercial 4.917.901 3.657.269 4.969.823 6.694.336 6.750.530 Transport, postal services 613.310 698.801 910.020 1.220.732 1.230.979 Other services 3.538.109 3.066.650 3.850.235 5.211.081 5.254.824