Climate and Weather

Published on 23 - 08 - 2021

Hung Yen's climate is typical of the Red River Delta. It is affected by tropical monsoon climate, hot and humid, sunny, has cold winter and four distinct seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter).

- The average annual temperature is 23.20C, the highest temperature is 40,400C (June 1939) and the total annual average temperature is 85,000 - 86,000Cal. Between the two seasons of the year, the temperature range is usually 130Cal.
- Rain: Average rainfall ranges from 1,500 - 1,600mm. Rainfall is unevenly distributed throughout the year, concentrating up to 80-85% in the rainy season (from May to October) in the form of thunderstorms (especially in June-July). The dry and cold season (from November to April next year) has drizzling rain and many short-term crops can be grown, so the winter crop also becomes the main crop. The average annual humidity is 86%, the highest month is 92%, the lowest month is 79%.
- The annual average number of sunny hours is about 1,400 hours (116.7 hours/month), of which 187 hours of sunshine per month from May to October, and 86 hours of sunshine
per month from November to April next year. There are 2 main wind seasons: Northeast monsoon (from September to February next year), Southeast monsoon (March to May).
- The amount of evaporation in the whole year in Hung Yen ranges from 700 to 900 mm, the lowest is in Hung Yen city and it gradually increases to the Northern districts. In the summer, evaporation is high, accounting for 55 to 60% of the annual evaporation. The month with the largest evaporation is June and July and the lowest is March.
- Wind: The wind direction in a year changes and shows the seasonality of circulation. In the mid-winter months, the north, northeast and northwest winds account for a frequency of 40 to 65%, in which the North direction appears the most. However, in winter, the southeast wind still has a high frequency (15 to 25% at the beginning of the season, 25 to 45% in the middle of the season, 50 to 65% at the end of the season). In the summer, the southeast wind prevails with a frequency of 32 to 65%. In addition, the southwest wind occurs with a frequency of 5%, but it has bad effects on people, crops and livestock because of its hot and dry nature.
- Storms and tropical depressions: Hung Yen is not adjacent to the sea and not directly hit by storms, so the wind power when entering Hung Yen has decreased significantly. However, the wind speed in the storm is up to 35 m/s. Heavy rain due to the influence of storms causes serious flooding, storm rainfall accounts for a large proportion of 15 to 20% of the total annual rainfall. In August, storm rainfall accounts for 30 to 50% of the total monthly rainfall. In 2020, Hung Yen province is affected by 2 storms in August and October.
Together with the soil, such climatic and weather conditions are favorable for the cultivation and breeding in a wide variety of plants and animals of tropical and subtropical origin. However, it is also important to note some limitations in the climate such as: the rainy season mainly appears in a short time, so it is easy to cause flooding in the field and often accompanied by storms. During the cold season, there are also harmful cold spells (temperatures below 100C) affecting the growth of crops and livestock. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on crop structure, crops and appropriate technical measures to limit unfavorable factors and best promote the advantages of climate resources to improve efficiency of manufacture.

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